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VI, VIM? Emacs? Confusing. Doesn’t matter. I’m a huge fan of both environments, and a long time (20+ years) user of both. As a daily-driver I am heavily dug into both inside of Spacemacs.

Get Spacemacs here and give it a spin

git clone ~/.emacs.d

Here’s a couple of things that I consider important to my config (.spacemacs)

  dotspacemacs-themes '(;spacemacs-dark

  dotspacemacs-default-font '("Mensch"
                               :size 14
                               :weight normal
                               :width normal
                               :powerline-scale 1.0)

Download the Mensch font | Download the Exotica theme


Image if you read every day of the year. I do that! That also means that I read through a lot of books and thanks to my Onyx Boox Nova 2, I do it with a breeze. Here’s a top pick of the books that I’ve read once or twice.

Building Microservices, 2nd EditionSam Newman
Learning Go, 2nd EditionJan Bodner
The Rust Programming Language, 2nd EditionSteve Kabnik, Carol Nichols
Fundamentals of Software ArchitectureMark Richards, Neal Ford
CICSSP Certified Information System Security professional, 9th EditionMike Chapple, James Michael Stewart, Darril Gibson
Linux Bible, 9th EditionChristopher Negus
Observability EngineeringCharity Majors, Liz Fong-Janes, George Miranda
Essential Algorithms: A Practical Approach to Computer AlgorithmsRod Stephens
Learning Javascript Data Structures and Algorithms, 3d EditionLoiane Groner
Mastering Node.js, 2nd EditionSandro Pasquali, Kevin Faaborg
Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 9th EditionWilliam Stallings


As a pretty heavy listener of audio (Spotify), I tend to listen to an average of 6 hours a day! Yeah I know, this is a lot! That being said, here’s a couple of my favorites.

RELAX | CHILLOUT (Get this playlist on Spotify)

BEST OF THE BEATS (Get this playlist on Spotify)


Podcasts 🎙️ are part of my daily routine, generally I listen to technology shows, cloud, security and development. I use Overcast to listen to the majority of my subscribed shows. Absolutely love this app!

Here’s my top picks

Accidental Tech PodcastMarco Arment, Casey Liss, John Siracusa
Grumpy Old GeeksJason Defilippo, Brian Schulmeister, Dave Bittner
LINUX UnpluggedJupiter Broadcasting
Self-HostedJupiter Broadcasting
Coder RadioJupiter Broadcasting
Back to Work5BY5
Software Development NewsChangelog Media
Cloud Security PodcastGoogle
Darknet DiariesJack Rhysider
DevOps ParadoxDarin Pope, Viktor Farcic
HanselminutesScott Hanselman
JS PartyChangelog Media
Late Night LinuxLate Night Linux
The Tim Ferriss ShowTim Ferriss
SANS Internet Stormcenter DailyJohannes B. Ullrich

Here’s an OPML to download if You want to get a full list of the shows i subscribe to Podcast OPML

By the way, this theme was created by this awesome dude! Go ahead and give him a shoutout to his email if you like it. email.